The city of 2K22 is larger than ever before

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I am enjoying the expansion of Nba 2k22 Mt the city and believe that the new NPC's have brought a lot of life to what was, at best, a boring space. I'd like to be able be able to swiftly travel to locations outside of my home sometimes and it's starting to feel as if it's a vibrant area. And I don't think I've ever thought of before.

The city of 2K22 is larger than ever before... And that's not necessarily a great thing. It feels like this team of 2K players is working on an MMO that focuses on basketball. Everyday, there are quests scattered throughout the city, you're constantly asked to travel from one area to the next to attend the purpose of a meeting.

But it doesn't hinder the main strength of 2K22's game play on the court. I really don't want to take 45 minutes stumbling from my home to a shop to improve my appearance. Let me do that in an easy menu that requires a one-button presses so that I can return to my basketball.

In addition, the new City removes one of 2K21's biggest upgrade - the elimination of load times. Even on PS5, you're going to be stuck waiting every when you're looking to leave your home or the practice area. The City is one of those clunky experiences and a reminder that larger doesn't necessarily mean more.

Drastically, in my opinion. It's as if mt nba 2k22 the defensive game on this particular court is as strong as it has been for the past few years. It's much easier to slide around the court and actually stay home on your assignment this year. It's also refreshing to see less dramatic contact dunks this year. That was exhausting in 2k21.

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