How to Publish an Ebook on Multiple websites?

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There are several benefits to an independent publisher. Here is how to publish an ebook on multiple websites and get the most from your hard work.

Suppose you work with an authorized publisher (called a "Vanity Press"), you may be able to publish an ebook for Kindle, Nook, and others. Some publishers include this service in their book publishing packages, while others charge extra. Ideally, you should set up your eBook store if you have decided to publish an E-book to receive full royalties. If you think publisher fees are too high or want the freedom to do it yourself and get full royalties, read on to learn how to publish an E-book on multiple websites.

The main benefits of publishing an eBook on multiple websites:

You can easily publish an E-book on multiple websites. The day when book writer waits for someone else to publish their book is over. The eBook publishing process is simple and user-friendly and can be done with the click of a button. Here are some useful factors if you want to publish an E-book.

Low price: Publishing an eBook on Amazon is free, but you will need an initial investment in professional services such as cover design and formatting to prepare your book for publication.

Maximum range: You can distribute eBooks widely to readers worldwide without mailing anything.

Passive income: Many people use ebooks to generate a passive income (ebooks can be sold anytime, anywhere with no effort in publishing). Use this book royalty calculator to determine your book's likely profit. You can easily publish an E-book.

Development Platform: Many bloggers, entrepreneurs, and online business owners use eBooks to leverage their platforms to build passionate fans and customers, create processes for achieving book goals, and increase revenue.

Whether you are or what your goals are, there are many benefits if you publish an E-book.

If you are an independent publisher, then read these steps of publishing an E-book.

How to Publish an Ebook on Multiple websites?


1. Maximize the potential to sell your book.

Remember, eBooks are not just copies of printed books. For example, it is best to minimize the number of prefaces in the eBook (the preface is the material before the book's first chapter). Potential customers on sites like Amazon can download the top 10% of books as free samples. The sample should not consist of forewords such as acknowledgements and forewords.


Minimize or remove positive content as much as possible, but be sure to include the website address in the title or copyright page. A table of contents is important for nonfiction books, but we recommend keeping it short.


Read Steven Lewis' Kindle In-Book Promotions to learn how to make the most of your Kindle's free preview and "Before You Go" features, cross-promote other products, and increase eBook reviews.

2. Format the book to be published as an eBook.

Formatting a book for proper display on an eBook reading device is the hardest part of the process, and there are several ways to do it. You can upload a properly formatted Word document. Create a .mobi file (for Amazon) or a .epub file. Published by third parties such as Or hire an expert to handle the format.

  Here are some useful sources of formatting information:


  • The Smashwords Style Guide is a great guide for creating clean Word documents with no hidden code that causes problems. Smashwords, Amazon, Barnes Noble accept clean Word documents, but the finished ebook still has formatting issues. (For example, the Word document looks fine, but I found extra line breaks somewhere in the first Kindle book.)
  • Amazon has created a simple process to create a mobile file. See the left column of the page for helpful links to create and sell Kindle books.
  • For more information on creating Barnes Noble Nook epub files, click the Format Guidelines link on this page.
  • SavvyBook Marketing Newsletter subscribers can read more in my article "Publishing an eBook - Four Ways to Prepare Your eBook File."

3. Select the eBook sales platform.

Amazon's Kindle store still dominates ebook sales, but several other ebook stores are taking hold. You can publish an ebook is to upload it to the three selling platforms in the following order:

  • Our priority is making ebooks available on Amazon using the Kindle Direct Publishing Platform.
  • Use the PubIt platform to make books available to Nook users in the Barnes Noble e-bookstore. Barnes Noble requires a U.S. bank account, U.S. credit card, and U.S. taxpayer number. We do not allow promotional material for other products, comment requests, or author/publisher contact information.
  • Publishing from Smashwords is one of the easiest ways to publish your eBooks to other major eBook stores like Apple, Sony, and Kobo. There are no upfront fees, and you can earn substantial royalties for every eBook sold. You can also publish to the Barnes Noble store through Smashwords. This might be a good option for authors outside the U.S.

When using Smashwords, you need to know that formatting options are limited. When you upload a very basic M.S. Word file, its "meat grinder" software automatically formats the file for use on various eBook viewing platforms, including PDF versions.

If you have a Mac computer with QuickTime 7.0.3 or later, upload your book in epub format, obtain a U.S. taxpayer number, and give your ebook a unique ISBN to publish directly to the Apple Store. Also can. See this article for more information.


4. Set the price of the eBook and upload the information.

Once the files are ready, the process of publishing your eBook is as simple as signing up for the platform of your choice and filling out an online form.

We encourage you to set the same price for all ebook platforms and check your loyalty options. For example, Amazon pays 70% royalties for ebooks priced between $2.99 ​​and $9.99. Subscribers to my newsletter will find articles on pricing strategies in the newsletter archives.

Before starting the publishing process, make sure you have a strong eBook sales copy and check out these tutorials from book designer Joel Friedlander for publishing to Amazon Kindle and Barnes Noble.


Remember, the most important aspect which will make you able to publish ebooks on multiple websites are as follows:

  1. potential to sell your book: few uninterested knowledge in the book.
  2. Proper formatting of the book: use ebook format, use tools
  3. Select the eBook sales platform.
  4. Set the price of the eBook 
  5. upload the information.