Pregnant mothers should be careful to use novel fetal teaching methods

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Prenatal education is something that prospective parents attach great importance to. When the baby is still in the mother's womb, many prospective parents begin to carry out prenatal education for the fetus by touching the fetus, letting the child listen to music, and telling stories

Prenatal education is something that prospective parents attach great importance to. When the baby is still in the mother's womb, many prospective parents begin to carry out prenatal education for the fetus by touching the fetus, letting the child listen to music, and telling stories and reciting songs for the baby.

Recently, a method of "flashlight prenatal education" for the fetus with a flashlight has become very popular among expectant mothers. Some expectant mothers also ask questions while curiously trying. Experts also have reservations about this prenatal education method. The scientific conclusion of the flashlight prenatal education, it is better to use those traditional methods that are more "reliable", such as creating a comfortable and pleasant environment for expectant mothers, preparing a rich and nutritious diet...

I searched for "flashlight prenatal teaching method" on the Internet, and found that it is described in the text: when pregnant women are about 5 months pregnant, they refer to their own work and rest time every day, and use a flashlight with 4 AA batteries to illuminate the head of the fetus through the abdominal wall. The time is about 5 minutes, and the flashlight can be turned off and on several times before the end. It is also said that the benefits of this prenatal teaching method are "conducive to the healthy development of the fetus", "promoting the fetus's sensitive response to light and the healthy development of visual function", and "cultivating the baby's regular life".

[Expert] Be cautious about using novel prenatal teaching methods

Is this "flashlight prenatal teaching method" beneficial to the development of the fetus? Experts have reservations about this method of prenatal education. "This method is indeed very novel. So far I have not seen this method of prenatal education in any professional books, nor have I clinically instructed pregnant women to use this method for prenatal education." Experts say that this method of prenatal education only It can be said to be a kind of exploration. It is difficult to draw scientific conclusions about the effect. Therefore, this method of prenatal education must be treated with caution and must not be implemented arbitrarily. "If pregnant women use light to stimulate the fetus in the abdomen, it may affect the sleep of the fetus, which is not conducive to the development of the fetus from this point of view." Expert analysis.

There are also obstetrics and gynecology experts who suggest that if the light of the flashlight is strong, it may harm the baby's vision development, because the fetal vision is usually weak and they are afraid of strong light stimulation.


Improper prenatal education has harmed the baby. A few years ago, there was a popular prenatal education method that put headphones on the abdomen of pregnant women and let the fetus listen to music directly. This popular prenatal teaching method disappeared.Use the sonoline b fetal doppler to view the heartbeat of the fetus in the abdomen, observe the fetus at all times, and pay attention to his growth.

"Prenatal education and prenatal and postnatal care are a comprehensive process of accumulating scientific life, and we cannot rush for success." Experts said that expectant mothers should not believe in the prenatal education methods circulating in the society, especially those that make people feel very "novel". , Not to mention ordinary citizens, even obstetrics and gynecology experts can't tell the difference. In this case, rather than blindly "prenatal education" for the fetus, it is better to use those traditional methods of prenatal education.

Experts say that the purpose of prenatal education is to provide a good growth environment for the fetus to inspire or protect the potential of the fetus. Among them, the most important factor is the mother's mood and emotions. Therefore, once pregnant, the family should create a good living environment for the pregnant woman. Pregnant women should also live a regular life as much as possible, take a moderate walk every day, and pay attention to a balanced diet. The most important thing is to maintain a relaxed and happy mood. Pregnant women can also listen to pleasant music, but it is not for the fetus to "listen" directly, but to "listen" to the music through the mother's ears. Under the protection of the mother, it is comfortable and safe. grow up.
