What Does a Dental Implant in Melbourne Treatment Include?

Dr Zamani’s practice is located in the Melbourne CBD, making dental implant consultations and appointments extra convenient for city workers and residents. Don’t delay- get ready to complete your smile today! To book an appointment call us on (03) 9670 9020 and for further information

One of the significant and permanent solutions to missing teeth is opting for a dental implant. Other options like crowns and bridges sometimes need adjustments that might harm your remaining, healthy teeth. Dental implants restore the strength and stability of your jaw. They can be stable and natural-looking replacement teeth. If you have a missing tooth, then opting for dental implant surgery is a wise choice. But before you decide on anything, you need to know what all treatment is included.


Treatment Plan

At Dentist Melbourne CBD, our dental experts will conduct a thorough examination and even take x-rays if needed. This would help us check if any preliminary work is required prior to the implant and a personalized treatment plan will be planned and agreed upon.


Getting Implants Placed

Once the treatment is fixed, our expert dentist will fix your implants. This entire procedure will be under anesthetic, so you shall feel no pain during the treatment.


The Healing Time

The next step would be allowing the dental implant 12 to 14 weeks to integrate with your bone. This time our dentists will place a temporary cover to protect it.


Getting a New Teeth

The final step is to return to our clinic to fit the final tooth crown or the bridge.


Dr Zamani’s practice is located in the Melbourne CBD, making dental implant consultations and appointments extra convenient for city workers and residents. Don’t delay- get ready to complete your smile today! To book an appointment call us on (03) 9670 9020 and for further information visit https://www.dentist-melbourne-cbd.com.au/dental-implants/

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