4 ways to reduce "wattle" double chin from overweight - getting older

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4 ways to reduce "wattle" double chin from overweight - getting older

The wattle or double chin is the accumulated fat under the chin. It can happen to people of all ages. It doesn't happen only to people who are overweight. However, some methods such as facial exercises Regular diet may help reduce wattle, although it does not harm health. But it may affect confidence.

what is wattle
Wattle or double chin is the fat thatxoaccumulates under the chin area. looks like a hanging lump It can happen to people of all ages. Regardless of normal weight or overweight, wattle can occur.

Cause of wattle
Wattle may be caused by the main cause is too much fat accumulated under the skin. which may be a result of Regularly eating a high-fat diet Lack of exercise, obesity, overweight, etc. In addition, the wattle may be caused by genetics. If a family member has less elastic skin skin is not firm It may result in having more wattles than usual. and increasing age Often results in the loss of collagen in the skin. until the skin is sagging and the wattle is formed as well

how to reduce wattle
the following way May help reduce the wattle.

doing facial exercises on a daily basis by postures that may help reduce the wattle, such as
Tongue sticking posture: Start by looking straight and sticking your tongue out to the end. Try to get your tongue to touch your nose. Hold for about 10 seconds, repeat about 10 times/cycle.
kissing the sky He looked up at the ceiling until he felt a tension under his chin and neck. and make your lips look like a kiss Hold for 5-20 seconds, repeat 10-20 times/round.
chin press ball Take a ball about 9-10 inches in diameter and place it under your chin. Then use the chin to press the ball. Do about 25-30 times / round.
Diet control by eating a variety of fruits and vegetables on a regular basis. Choose to eat lean or fat-free meat. And avoid processed, oily, fried foods, as these foods can cause weight gain. You should eat enough food to meet your body's needs. Get energy not less than 1,200 kilocalories / day. and limit the amount of food in each meal to be proportional to nutrition
Liposuction The doctor uses a long tube-like tool inserted under the skin to suck out excess fat. or may use heat to melt fat and shape the face to look more slender. This may cause side effects such as swelling, bruising and pain around the wound.
Mesophat injection is a method of reducing wattle by injecting fat solution. or a small amount of Deoxycholic Acid in the area under the chin to break down fat. This may require 20 injections or more, and it may take longer than 6 months to see results. Because if deoxycholic acid is injected incorrectly, it can affect nerves. Common side effects include swelling, bruising, numbness, redness at the injection site.

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