How to Obtain a Visitor Visa for Canada?

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Canada is one of the most preferred countries for immigration purposes.

Canada is one of the most preferred countries for immigration purposes. Each year a considerable number of people visit this country for various purposes. If a person wishes to visit this country for a short stay for tourism or to visit relatives or friends, then they need a TRV (Temporary Resident Visa). In this blog, we attempt to elaborate on the process of obtaining the same.


What Is TRV?


It is an official document placed by the Canadian authorities in the passport of a visitor to indicate that all the necessary requirements of admission to the country have been met. Canadian visitor visa comes in 4 types depending upon the purpose of visit.


  • Work
  • Study
  • Tourism
  • Temporary residence


Duration of Stay on TRV?


Canadian visitor visa is valid for a period of 6 months. However, the immigration officer may reduce or extend your stay duration. Once the course is finalized, the date of departure is mentioned on the visitor's passport.


Requirements of TRV:


The basic requirements that should be fulfilled for qualifying for the said visa are as follows:

  • Possession of a valid travel document, such as a passport
  • No criminal record
  • A person shall have to provide sufficient proof of financial assets in their home country.
  • Possession of sufficient funds for staying in Canada for the specified duration


How to Apply For a Canadian Visitor Visa?


Before applying for a visitor visa, a person should first check whether he is eligible to travel to Canada or not. If the eligibility criteria are met, then they may start gathering the necessary documents for the same. These include:


  • Proof of funds for visiting Canada
  • Evidence of ties to the home country
  • Country resident card or ID card (such as a passport)
  • Proof of temporary stay in Canada
  • Letter of invitation from the person who has invited the visitor to stay


Canada visitor visa online application process is pretty straightforward. The steps of the same are:


  • Confirmation of eligibility criteria for a temporary visit to Canada
  • Submission of documents for the same
  • Submission of online visa application
  • Responding to queries and additional requests
  • Sending the passport for stamping


How Long IsTheProcessing Time For This Visa?


The processing time of a Canadian Visitor visa is around 8 to 40 days. However, it shall vary depending upon the country of residence of the visitor.


The Cost Aspect:


The Canada visitor visa online application fee is CAD$100 per person. If biometrics are also to be submitted, then the cost rises by an additional amount of CAD$85. A passport processing fee of CAD$45 is charged over and above this amount.


What Is A Person Allowed To Do With A Canadian Visitor Visa?


A visitor can travel around the country freely during his stay. However, they are not allowed to stay in the country permanently. Working and studying during a temporary stay is also prohibited. The visitor cannot avail of health care and other government-sponsored benefits during this time.


TRV is an excellent option for people who intend to stay in the country for a brief duration. The application process can be further eased by hiring the services of a reputed immigration agency.

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