Interview Questions That International Students May Have Faced For Enrollment In Australian University

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As one of the most popular and trusted destinations for higher education globally, Australia has set specific criteria for students who want to pursue further studies in the country.

You might get the best help for selecting the right course and university and visa application. Still, when facing the interview questions to ensure enrollment in an Australian university, you are entirely dependent on your preparation and confidence. To help you with the interview, we have prepared a list of questions you may face. Some questions are for verifying the information you have given in your visa application, and some of them are to assess your mindset, point of view, and knowledge. Check out the list below:

  • Why do you wish to study in Australia?
  • What is the name of the course you have applied for?
  • What is the reason to choose the course?
  • How is this programmer related to your previous studies?
  • If this program is not related to your previous studies, why have you decided to change Your career paths?
  • Do you have a plan to study further after completing your current course?
  • Give brief details of the course and subjects.
  • What is the duration of the course?
  • How much does the course cost you?
  • How will you pay for it?
  • The reason to choose an Australian university and why haven’t you applied for the course in your home country?
  • The reason to choose the particular university
  • How did you find out about this particular university?
  • Share details about your family background
  • How many siblings do you have, what do they do and whether they live with you?
  • What do your parents do for a living?
  • Who is sponsoring your education?
  • The annual income of your sponsor
  • Have any of your family members or relatives studied in Australia?
  • Do you have plans to live in Australia after completing your studies?
  • Have you ever had any visa application refused from Australia or any other diplomatic mission? What were the reasons/circumstances for refusal?

These are some of the fundamental questions that an interviewer will ask you. You must provide all the correct information during the interview. As long as your answers are honest and verifiable as much as possible, you won’t face any issues.

If you are seeking information or have queries regarding your visa application for selecting the university in Australia, please feel free to contact our experienced consultants. At PFEC Global, we help students throughout their educational journey and streamline their visa application and admission process. You can call us on 01730 785463.

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