10 Best Python Frameworks for Web Development in 2022

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Saying that Python has been popular with web developers in recent years wouldn’t be an exaggeration. The programming language has been praised for its versatility and its overall simplicity, making it a favorite of developers who want to quickly get their projects up and running without


Saying that Python has been popular with web developers in recent years wouldn’t be an exaggeration. The programming language has been praised for its versatility and its overall simplicity, making it a favorite of developers who want to quickly get their projects up and running without having to deal with the tedious details of coding. Here are the top 10 Python frameworks to watch out for in 2022, whether you’re looking to build products from scratch or if you want to add functionality to existing products using custom Python modules and scripts.


1) Django

Django is a Python-based web framework that began as an open source project sponsored by FastCGI. Django has evolved since its first release in July 2005, and is now maintained by an independent nonprofit foundation, called The Django Software Foundation. The popularity of Django stems from its developers’ dedication to transparency and ease of use. It’s geared towards rapid development of powerful applications with minimal coding requirements.


2) Flask

One of Python’s most popular web frameworks, Flask is an open-source microframework that’s geared toward being able to create applications quickly. This framework was created by Jesse Noller who also happens to be behind some other popular Python projects, including Mako and SQLAlchemy.

 It was designed to work with SQL or NoSQL databases and has a minimalist approach to handling templating.


3) Pyramid

A downside of Django is that it’s based on Python 2.x, which will be officially retired at some point in 2020 or so. If you want to work with web applications using Python 3 (and you should), then Pyramid might be a good choice.

 Python 3 is a newer and better Python than Python 2. It’s faster, and many of its features make web development easier. That’s why it would be a good idea to use


4) Bottle

Bottle is written with a small memory footprint in mind. Due to its simple design, it's easy to understand, easy to use and very portable. It also comes with features that are rare to find in similar libraries due to its minimalist design.


5) web2py

web2py is a free and open source Python web framework. It allows quick development of secure, efficient, customized, and portable web-based applications.

 Python allows for rapid development through clear, concise code and supports testing.


6) Sanic

Sanic is an asynchronous Python 3.5+ web server that's written to go fast. Sanic is licensed under MIT, so you can use it however you want, including in commercial projects. The focus of Sanic is speed and performance, so if your deployment doesn't need a full stack framework like Django or Pyramid, Sanic might be a good choice. Its async HTTP event loop can handle thousands of concurrent connections easily on modest hardware.


7) Tornado web framework

In computer programming, a web framework is a software framework specifically designed to support development of websites and web applications. The primary feature of a web framework is to relieve programmers from writing code that deals with low-level details of HTTP, HTML, and browser behavior. This allows programmers to accomplish tasks using very little code. Web frameworks provide a standard set of procedures, helper classes and configuration that accelerate development time and allow programmers to focus on implementation specific details rather than implementing basic features from scratch.


8) TurboGears

TurboGears is a python development web framework that can handle both dynamic and traditional websites, as well as application backends. In addition to being easy to learn, TurboGears comes with a large assortment of useful plugins and widgets, so you don’t have to build everything from scratch. If you’re developing a larger site or app, TurboGears may be a good choice. It has been around since 2007 and is supported by a healthy community.


9) Bottle.py framework

Bottle.py is a fast, simple and lightweight WSGI micro web-framework for Python development company

Bottle doesn't impose much structure on you, so it's up to you whether to use it as a module or something else entirely.


10) Pyramid web framework

If you’re looking to create a dynamic website with rapid development in mind, then using a Python framework may be just what you need. In recent years, Python has seen an increase in popularity due to its rapid web application development ability. It provides programmers with tools they can use to build dynamic web sites and applications. One of these tools is known as a web framework. A good example of a python development services is called Pyramid.




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