Do's and Don'ts for Students Appearing for An Online Exam

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The Covid-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on the education and academic ecosystem, catapulting online exams to the forefront and giving them unprecedented momentum.


The Covid-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on the education and academic ecosystem, catapulting online exams to the forefront and giving them unprecedented momentum. The ongoing disruption has significantly altered the required timeline for transitioning from offline to online in a matter of months or, in some cases, weeks.


Many students do not know what they should do and what they should not do during an online exam. And most of the time the dilemma is what makes these students anxious. So we have listed the Dos and Don'ts during an online exam. 


Do's for an online exam


Acquaint yourself


If you've never given an online paper before, keep in mind that there's nothing to be concerned about. Read the brochures and data about how the exam is conducted that will be provided on the website, and make sure you understand the instructions on how to mark and the same answers. You can take online exam help from TopAssignmentExperts if you are facing difficulties while learning. 


The best way to feel comfortable giving an exam online is to practise with mock tests and practise papers that are available online. The more you practise, just like with pen-and-paper exams, the more confident you will be about the online exam.


Responding to questions


It is critical to developing a strategy for answering the questions as you prepare for the exam. You must decide which sections to tackle first or whether to start with the easier questions before moving on to the more difficult ones.


If perfecting your strategy necessitates taking practise tests prior to the actual exams, you should absolutely do so. It is preferable to get your strategy correct through preparation and practise tests than to make unforced errors during the actual online test.


It is critical to follow instructions


When you finally sit for the exam, you will have some time set aside to fill in details (such as your name and roll number) and read through specific instructions. Don't rush through the exam. The provided instructions will walk you through the exam and tell you what you can and cannot do.


You may be asked to answer only a few questions in certain sections of the exam. If you skip reading the instructions, you might overlook this detail and end up wasting time answering unnecessary questions. If you have any questions about the instructions, please ask the invigilator.


Problems with technology


One disadvantage of online exams is that technology occasionally fails. Do not be alarmed if there is a technical failure. Inform the invigilators of the problem as soon as possible. In such cases, any time lost is usually compensated. Wait for things to restart and be patient. The timer will come to a halt and then resume where you left off.


Keep a record of every response


Keeping technical issues in mind, it is critical for candidates to save every answer after attempting it. Yes, almost every exam saves the answers automatically. However, if your answers are not saved, there is a chance that they will not be recorded, and the time you spend answering each question will be wasted. To avoid such issues, keep clicking "Save" after each answer.


Be ready


All of the advice above will be useless unless you are well-prepared according to the examination syllabus. An online examination, while a convenient method of taking exams, is a test of your knowledge of the subject. The only way to do your best is to plan ahead of time and gain confidence in the subjects you are attempting.


Don'ts during an online exam




It doesn't give you a pass to be lazy because it's online and convenient. Exams that are conducted online are just as convenient for students as they are for professors, and believe me when I say: they know when you're cheating. Some students are required to take their tests to live, and their professor can see if and when you open another tab. They may not know how to make a video full screen, but they can spot a cheater a mile away.


Keep an eye on the time


Because I lost track of time, I was on the verge of failing a test. I can get so focused on one question that I forget about the other 25 that need to be addressed. Setting alarms has previously been beneficial to me. Depending on the length of the test, I'd set 10- or 15-minute interval timers to remind myself that I only have a limited amount of time. Yes, there is a timer on the screen, but when I'm in the zone, I close my eyes and forget about my surroundings.


Don't rush through your studies at the last minute


I've done it a lot. I'm doing my best to assist you. Listen to a professional when they say "Do not study at the last minute." Cramming information will get you nowhere. You know where that will lead you? You're sobbing in your bed because you blew your exam. Cramming information on top of the stress of taking an exam only serves to erase all of the information you're attempting to remember. In fact, you'll remember less information.


Everything, including the exams, is available online. They are an important part of your grade and must be taken seriously.


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