Closer scrutiny of FFP2 masks in Hamburg

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Closer scrutiny of FFP2 masks in Hamburg

Around 377 FFP2 masks checked for quality have proven faulty and do not meet the legal requirements on medical products, a press release said Wednesday (February 10, 2021). This comes amid growing demand for FFP2 masks, which are now mandatory in shops and on public transport. Masks sold in trade and on the internet are being inspected in addition to those imported via Hamburg Airport and the Port of Hamburg. To get more news about famous FFP2 mask stock, you can visit official website.

Anna Gallina, Senator for Justice and Consumer Protection, remarked: "Wearing medical masks is part of the comprehensive protection from the coronavirus. That's why we are stepping up our efforts to check the effectiveness of masks. People must be able to rely on the reliability of masks, and manufacturers have a responsibility to do so."

Faulty FFP2 masks to be taken off market
Masks that do not meet the European standard for medical devices e.g., and do not have any CE marking or incorrect test numbers are to be taken off the market. However, the situation has improved considerably for consumers since 2020. More high-quality, domestically-produced respiratory masks are available, according to Hamburg's Ministry for Justice. Residents of Hamburg can find out online which types of masks and norms are subject to the tested standards, where medical masks can be bought and what to look out for when wearing them.

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